The Planted variation of the Bull position is a great option for couples looking to add a bit more mobility and control to their intimate experience. With the woman's feet on the floor, she has the ability to push off and pull back using the man's thighs, allowing for a more dynamic and interactive experience. However, this added mobility can take some getting used to, so it's important to communicate and find a rhythm that works for both partners. If the movement isn't to your liking, you can always opt for a more traditional approach, such as rolling the hips or simply using the position as a rest stop during your intimate encounter. Additionally, experimenting with pillows under the woman's rears can provide extra comfort and support, making the position even more enjoyable. Ultimately, the key to making the most of the Planted variation of the Bull position is to be open to experimentation and communication. By trying different movements and finding what works best for you and your partner, you can enhance your sexual experience and create a more satisfying and pleasurable encounter for both parties.